Turn Website Visitors into Clients: Creating an Intro Video for Your Therapy Practice

By Garrett Nafzinger

Finding the right therapist is a journey deeply rooted in connection. As humans, the ability to connect on a personal level is fundamental, and for therapists, it’s essential. A thoughtful intro video on your website can serve as the bridge for this connection, offering a glimpse into your approach and personality.

Keep the Video Creation Process Simple

Smartphone Ready: Your smartphone is your best tool. Ensure it’s stable, and you’re good to go.

Setting Matters: Opt for a quiet place with natural light. A simple, tidy backdrop suggests professionalism and calm.

Sound Quality: Clear audio is crucial. Reduce background noise to let your voice be heard distinctly.

Brevity Wins: A concise video, ideally around 1-2 minutes, respects your viewer’s time while delivering your message.

Minimal Editing: Focus on being real rather than perfect. Trimming the beginning and end is usually all that’s needed.

Video Content Ideas

  • Greet with Warmth: Introduce yourself succinctly, highlighting your therapeutic focus.
  • Personal Touch: A smile and direct eye contact can make viewers feel seen and valued.
  • Understanding First: Recognize the bravery it takes to seek help.
  • Your Therapeutic Approach: Briefly explain how you can assist, emphasizing client benefits.
  • Actionable Closure: Encourage viewers to take the next step with you. Envision and communicate what that might be like for a client.

Enhancing Your Presentation

  • Professional Yet Approachable: Your attire should mirror the professional warmth you embody.
  • Speak Clearly: Let your expertise be heard through a friendly and engaging tone.
  • Direct Eye Contact: Foster a sense of direct engagement and trust.

Increasing Video Visibility

  • Bio Page Highlight: Ensure your video is easily accessible by featuring it prominently.
  • Social Sharing: Extend your reach through social media.
  • Directory Inclusion: Boost your profile visibility by linking your video.

An intro video is not just about sharing information; it’s about forging a connection. Having sought therapy myself, I’ve felt the importance of feeling connected from the first interaction. This video is an opportunity to build a meaningful relationship with potential clients, showing them they are not alone in their journey.

Need Help?

If you’re ready to deepen the connection with your audience and create a website that draws clients in, let’s talk. At Garrett Digital, I specialize in helping therapists and therapy practices craft compelling online presences that resonate and engage. Contact Us to discuss your practice today.

Example Therapist Bio Videos