The Gooding Law Firm

Gooding Law Firm is a leading bankruptcy law firm in Oklahoma City. Garrett Digital partnered with them to modernize their website, enhance their brand, and drive client engagement.

Project Overview

Client: Gooding Law Firm –

Services Provided

  • Migration from Drupal to WordPress: Transitioned the website from an outdated version of Drupal to a robust and modern WordPress CMS.
  • Defining Gooding Law Firm’s Value Proposition: Highlighted the firm’s unique strengths and expertise in bankruptcy law.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improved search visibility, resulting in significant organic traffic and consultations.
  • Google Ads Campaign Development: Increased leads and consultation bookings through targeted ad campaigns.
  • Brand Refresh: Updated the firm’s brand to give it a modern look and feel.

Migrating from Drupal to WordPress

Gooding Law Firm’s website was on an outdated version of Drupal. We migrated it to WordPress, which provides a more robust and modern content management system.

Migration Highlights

  • Content Management System Upgrade: Ensured a seamless transition to WordPress for better functionality and ease of use.
  • Website Redesign: Created a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

Defining Gooding Law Firm’s Value Proposition

Gooding Law Firm stands out in the bankruptcy law field. Our mission was to highlight their unique strengths:

Unique Value Proposition

  • Expertise in Bankruptcy Law: Emphasized their unmatched knowledge and experience.
  • Championing Clif Gooding: Highlighted Clif Gooding’s 39 years as the lead attorney, establishing his reputation as a cornerstone of their practice.
  • Guiding the Way: Designed each webpage to encourage visitors to book an in-person or virtual consultation.

Search Engine Optimization

Visibility is crucial in the legal industry. With our SEO efforts, Gooding Law Firm appears on page 1 of Google for Oklahomans searching for bankruptcy attorneys. This has resulted in over 300 monthly consultations through organic search just months after launch.

SEO and Content Work Highlights

  • Content Optimization: Enhanced website content with targeted keywords and high-quality information to improve search rankings.
  • Meta Description Improvement: Crafted compelling meta descriptions to attract clicks and improve visibility on search engines.
  • Keyword Strategy: Identified and implemented relevant keywords to drive organic traffic and attract the right audience.

Our Google Ad campaigns significantly increased the number of leads without increasing the budget. This nearly doubled the number of consultation bookings, making a big impact on their business.

Campaign Highlights

  • Targeted Ad Campaigns: Designed and managed Google Ad campaigns to reach the right audience.
  • Cost-Effective Strategies: Ensured efficient use of advertising budgets to maximize return on investment.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitored and analyzed ad performance to continually improve results.

Updating Their Brand, Look, and Feel

Alongside the website migration, we refreshed Gooding Law Firm’s brand to give it a modern look and feel. This update ensures their online presence matches their professional reputation.

Brand Refresh Highlights

  • Modern Visual Identity: Updated the firm’s visual identity to reflect a contemporary, professional look.
  • Consistent Design: Ensured that the updated brand was consistently applied across all digital platforms.

Gooding Law Firm Results

In just a few months, the digital strategies we implemented are already showing great results:

  • Increase in Website Traffic: Significant boost in the number of visitors to the firm’s site.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Increased interaction through the improved website and SEO efforts.
  • Rise in Online Consultations: Notable growth in consultation bookings through organic search and Google Ads.

These efforts have expanded Gooding Law Firm’s reach and played a crucial role in driving business growth.

At Garrett Digital, we don’t just build websites; we enhance brands and drive results. Ready to transform your online presence? Let’s talk!

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