Master Product Titles for Google PMax & Shopping Feeds

by Garrett Nafzinger

Updated on June 12, 2024

Google Performance Max (PMax) is a new approach to e-commerce advertising within Google Ads. It’s a goal-based campaign that distributes your ads across Google’s extensive advertising channels, including YouTube, the Display Network, and Google Shopping. Optimizing your product feed is crucial for the success of your PMax campaigns.

What is a Product Feed?

A product feed is a file containing a list of your products and their attributes, such as the title, price, and availability. This feed is essential for listing your products on Google Shopping through the Google Merchant Center.

Optimization for Google Shopping

Your product titles significantly influence the performance of your Google Shopping campaigns. Google’s algorithm considers the relevancy and clarity of your product titles when deciding how to display your products.

Examples of Product Titles:

  • Bad: Men’s Shoes
  • Better: Men’s Running Shoes Size 11
  • Best: Nike Air Zoom Pegasus Men’s Running Shoes Size 11 – Black/White

The most optimized product titles provide specific details that help customers and search engines understand exactly what you’re selling. When curating your feed for the Google Merchant Center, prioritize detailed, informative titles that include key attributes to inform and attract potential buyers. This ensures the PMax algorithm has a robust set of data to work with, enhancing your product visibility in Google Shopping searches.

Importance of Product Titles for Google Shopping & PMax

Crafting the perfect product title is crucial for your products’ performance in Google Shopping and PMax campaigns. An optimized title can significantly enhance visibility and conversion rates by aligning with consumer search terms and preferences. Recent data shows that PMax campaigns have seen a 15% improvement in conversion value across various e-commerce sectors compared to standard Shopping campaigns.

Crucial Components of a Product Title

A well-crafted product title includes several key elements:

  • Brand name
  • Descriptive product name
  • Relevant attributes like size, color, or material
  • Gender or age group (if applicable)


  • Bad: Red Dress
  • Better: BrandiMax Summer Red Dress – Women’s
  • Best: BrandiMax Summer Red Maxi Dress – Women’s Lightweight Cotton – Size 8

Strategies for Title Optimization

To optimize your product titles effectively:

  1. Research Popular Search Terms: Use keyword research to understand what your customers are searching for.
  2. Keyword Order: Place critical keywords at the beginning of your title to catch the shopper’s eye.
  3. Title Formulas: Use formulas to combine these elements systematically, ensuring consistency and clarity.
  4. Capitalization: Use capitalization judiciously to emphasize essential elements without appearing spammy.


For a waterproof kids’ jacket, you might choose keywords like “kids,” “waterproof,” and “jacket” and arrange them with the most important first: “OutdoorExplorer Kids’ Waterproof Jacket.”

Best Practices for Title Structure and Language

When structuring your product titles, balance detail and readability. Use clear and natural language, avoiding overuse of technical jargon. The title should lead with the brand name, followed by descriptive terms that specify what the product is.

Structured Title Formula: [Brand Name] + [Product Type] + [Key Feature] + [Other Attributes]

Example: TechGear Smartphone Case – Durable Shock-Resistant Cover – Black Leather

By following these guidelines and carefully assembling your product titles, you’ll set the stage for successful campaigns and satisfied customers.

Maximizing CTR and Conversion Performance

To excel in Google PMax and Shopping Feeds, crafting product titles that attract clicks and drive conversions is vital. Your goal is to create searchable and enticing titles for potential customers, improving your click-through rate (CTR) and conversion performance.

Leveraging Keywords and Search Queries

Including the right keywords and search queries can make all the difference. Begin by conducting thorough keyword research to understand what your potential customers are searching for. Then, strategically integrate these keywords into your product titles.


  • Bad: Men’s Shoes
  • Better: Men’s Running Shoes
  • Best: Men’s Air Cushion Running Shoes Size 10

The best title is specific and aligns with relevant searches, ensuring your product appears in relevant product listing ads (PLAs). Review your search query report from Google Ads to see which search terms are triggering impressions and clicks, and adjust your titles accordingly.

A/B Testing and Performance Analysis

To pinpoint what resonates with your audience, leverage A/B testing for your product titles. Create multiple titles for the same product, each with slight variations, and track which one yields a higher CTR and conversion rate. Implement your tests methodically and ensure you have enough data for a reliable analysis.


  • Test A Title: Women’s Leather High-Heeled Sandals, Black Size 8
  • Test B Title: Black Leather Sandals for Women With High Heel Size 8

Analyze your performance metrics to find the most effective blend of clarity and detail that captures attention and encourages clicks. Ongoing performance analysis is vital in understanding customer behavior and preferences, directly influencing your campaign’s success.

Advanced Techniques for Product Feed Optimization

Optimizing your product feeds can significantly improve the performance of your Google Shopping campaigns. Tailoring feed attributes, adapting feeds for target audiences, and continually testing are key strategies.

The Role of Feed Attributes in Search Relevance

Each feed attribute provides Google’s algorithm with valuable product data that influences when and where your products appear in search queries.


  • Bad: Women’s Shoes
  • Better: Women’s Running Shoes
  • Best: Women’s Air Zoom Running Shoes Size 8 – Blue

Keyword Optimization: Match your product titles and descriptions with your customers’ search terms. Update these attributes periodically based on keyword research.

Hierarchy of Details: Prioritize the information: start with the brand, then the product type, the item’s unique features, and finally, any variant information such as size or color.

Adapting Product Feeds for Target Audiences

Customizing your product feed for specific target audiences ensures that vital information reaches the right customer.


  • Demographic Details: Adapt your titles and descriptions for different audience segments. For instance, mentioning “maternity” in a clothing item’s title may improve relevance for expecting mothers.
  • Seasonal Trends: Update your product titles with terms like “holiday,” “back-to-school,” or “summer” to align with seasonal search behaviors.

The Impact of Testing on Feed Performance

Regularly test different titles, descriptions, and attributes to see what resonates best with your audience.


  • Test: “Men’s Leather Waterproof Hiking Boots – Durable & Breathable” vs. “Durable Men’s Hiking Boots – Leather & Waterproof”

Use feed rules to automate optimizations and experiment with different product data variants. Monitor how these changes affect your feed performance and adjust accordingly.

Utilizing Analytics to Drive Shopping Campaign Success

To elevate your Google Shopping Campaign’s performance, harness the power of analytics. By examining the right metrics, you can increase your return on ad spend (ROAS) and achieve higher conversion rates.

Monitor Conversion Rates and ROAS: Understand which categories bring in more revenue against your ad spend. Invest more in high-performing categories and optimize underperformers.

Evaluate Product Titles: See how they correlate with the search queries leading to traffic. Effective titles contain the most relevant keywords, match search intent, and align with the users’ needs.


  • Bad: Blue Dress
  • Better: Women’s Blue Evening Dress
  • Best: Designer Brand Women’s Evening Dress – Sapphire Blue, Size 8

Use analytics to pinpoint which dimensions—brand, model, or unique product identifiers (UPIs)—trigger the most clicks. Optimize your titles accordingly.

SEO: Analyze which keywords related to your products are trending. Craft your titles to answer directly to those queries, positioning your products to be easily discoverable by potential buyers.

Structured Title Formula with Example:

  • Tech Gadgets: “Brand + Model + Key Feature + Product Type”
  • Home Furnishings: “Brand + Product Category + Material + Key Selling Point”

Your ultimate goal is to make your shopping ads resonate with potential customers, driving optimized performance from search to sale. By following these strategies, you’ll create effective product titles that enhance your Google PMax and Shopping campaigns.