Google’s June 25 2017 Algorithm Update & Core Quality Updates

by Garrett Nafzinger

I’m working with a client affected by the June 25, 2017, Google algorithm update.

I’m a few weeks into analysis for a client who experienced significant ranking declines after this update. Rank Ranger did a great job of analyzing the types of sites and rankings affected by this algorithm update. My client’s site fits into Rank Rangers description of the those impacted, it is a consumer goods website, and a vast number of the affected pages were ranking in Google positions 6-10.

After lots of searching and reading, I’ve come to understand this could be what many in the SEO community refer to as a core quality (or Panda) update. It seems Google has been focused on content quality for much of the 2nd half of 2017.

Here are a few items to consider if you or a client has been hit by a core quality update.

One of the quickest ways to see if your website may have been impacted by a core quality (Panda) update is the use the Panguin SEO Tool, which pulls your organic search traffic from Google Analytics and charts it alongside a graph with markers for confirmed and unconfirmed Google Algorithm Updates.