Monitor Top Ranking Organic Keywords with UptimeRobot

by Garrett Nafzinger

Updated on June 25, 2024

Maintaining high search engine rankings is important for your website’s success. Organic traffic from top-ranking keywords can drive visitors to your site, increasing customers and revenue. Monitoring these keywords is essential to ensure you don’t lose visibility and traffic.

Traditional SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush provide in-depth analysis but may not update rankings in real-time. This can cause delays in detecting changes that affect your site. UptimeRobot can be a powerful tool for real-time keyword monitoring, giving you immediate alerts and allowing for a quicker response to any drops in rankings.

Steps to Find Top-Ranking Keywords

  1. Sign In to Google Search Console: Use your Google account to log in.
  2. Select Your Property: Choose the correct property from the list.
  3. Go to Performance Report: Click on “Performance” in the menu.
  4. View Queries: Look at the “Queries” tab to see your site’s ranking keywords.
  5. Sort by Position: Arrange by position to see the top-ranking keywords.
  6. Filter Top-Performing Keywords: Focus on keywords with high positions and significant clicks.

Setting Up UptimeRobot Monitoring

  1. Create Your Account: Sign up for UptimeRobot.
  2. Select Best Keywords: Choose top-performing keywords, excluding your brand name.
  3. Simplify Your Google Search URL: Modify the URL to remove extra parameters, to create a simple link that looks like this:
  4. Build Your Monitor:
    • Type: Select ‘Keyword.’
    • Name It: Use a descriptive name, like ‘Keyword – Google Search.’
    • URL: Paste your simplified Google search URL. (noted in item 3 above)
    • Keyword: Enter your domain as it appears in search results.
    • Alert Logic: Set notifications for when your domain disappears from page one.
    • Frequency: Choose a check every 12 or 24 hours.
    • Notification: Select email for alerts.
  5. Activate Monitoring: Click ‘Create Monitor.’

Benefits of Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring with UptimeRobot acts as an early warning system for your SEO. Search rankings can change due to algorithm updates, competitor activities, and other factors. Monitoring helps catch these changes faster, allowing you to address issues before they significantly impact your traffic.

Proactive SEO Health Checks

UptimeRobot alerts indicate potential problems. When you receive an alert, it’s essential to investigate and resolve the issue promptly. This might include updating content, analyzing site performance, or addressing backlink issues. Immediate action helps maintain your rankings and prevent traffic loss.

Enhance Your SEO Strategy

Ready to take your SEO to the next level? Contact Garrett Digital today! We specialize in comprehensive SEO strategies that monitor your rankings and enhance your overall online presence.